Monday, April 29, 2013


We pulled it off. A surprise trip to Disneyland along with Ronnie's BFF and family.
04-25-13 03 disneyland
We almost made it 4 years in California without having to go. I was totally intimidated about the cost, the planning involved, the crowds, the lines.
04-25-13 04 disneyland
But it wasn't so bad! We spent two days in Disneyland park and did most of the attractions (some twice!), with no advance planning at all.
04-25-13 02 disneyland
Mickey Mouse beignets!
04-25-13 01 disneyland
Not only was it Ronnie, Ben, Lila and Noe's first trip to Disneyland, but it was also a first for me. MY favorites - the Peter Pan ride, Haunted Mansion and the fireworks. The kids' favorites - every last minute!
04-25-13 05 disneyland
Everyone had a ball and it just about went off without a hitch!

1 comment:

arnieo said...

I love the phone number tattoo'd onto Ronnie's arm. Looks like such fun.