Monday, April 22, 2013

Sew many sock monkeys

Something told me this was the weekend to try making the kids' sock monkeys. Everyone had already picked out their socks, and Sunday was all clear for sewing.
04-22-13 04 sock monkeys
This project was a little more time consuming than expected! I used this tutorial from Craft Passion. Lila helped me stuff some ears and Ben kept all his pieces in order. Here was the end result.
Hard to resist a girl and her monkey!
There are only three because Ronnie wants to make her own another time (sucker!). She had a project of her own. She was nursing this little guy back to health because it had a wounded wing, apparently.
It must have worked, because right after this picture, it spread its wings and flew off (ie escaped) back into the wild.

1 comment:

oliviao said...

What a nice project - monkeys and kids adorable!