Monday, August 26, 2013

School Days at a New School

We've got one nervous 4th grader, a very excited kindergartener, and a 2nd grader whose about to dart back home.
Hope everyone survives their first day.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Meet our newest family addition

With a new house, new job, new schools, new everything, it seems fitting to get a new dog, too! Right? I've been researching dogs and scouring the Houston shelters for months. On my third visit to a shelter, this time BARC, I found HELEN.
Helen was happy and friendly, and looked like her name should be Berkeley, so I took her home! The shelter thought she was 11 weeks old, and a German Shephard mix. Here she is on the ride home.
I loved her brindle coloring and thought she would be great for the kids. Noe spent the first 3 days SHRIEKING in fear whenever Berkeley was near her. You can't imagine how bad I felt making Noe uncomfortable in her own home. I don't know what suddenly switched, but luckily, they are best buds now.
Like seriously, best buds.
07-28-13 02 crate
I hope Berkeley is happy with her new family!
07-23-13 02 berkeley
Party of seven...

Friday, August 2, 2013

Silhouette Project

Several years ago I had custom silhouettes made of Ronnie, Ben and Lila. When Noe came along, I wanted to make hers different, because otherwise, she would look the same age Lila did in her silhouette, when they are actually 3 years apart! So, I finally made silhouettes of the two newest members of the family.
It was much easier than I feared! I simply snapped a side view of Noe and Berkeley with my phone. Then I printed them on thick paper, and cut out around their profile. I spray painted Berkeley black, and Noe white.
I picked out paper from the scrapbooking section of Michael's, taped the painted silhouette on, and popped them in a frame! Here they are along with the other guys.