I'm not a huge complainer (well, don't ask Edwin or my mom). But really, I don't complain a lot, but this is ridiculous. Ronnie and Ben's camp is in a school in the Berkeley Hills. When I get there in the morning, I am faced with this.
Sixty-two steps, of which I need to get Ronnie, Ben, Lila and Noe to the top of, without any casualties. It only gets worse at the end of the day, when I rush to the top with Noe and Lila to get there in time. With everyone exhausted and holding handfuls of projects, lanyards and pipe cleaners, I can't believe we have made it 3 weeks without anyone toppling down.
It is a great camp and Ronnie and Ben are having fun doing science and art. Today was crazy hair day and Ronnie was crazy cute... not sure if that falls into the science or art category.
Ben was too self-conscious of his spiky hair and laid it totally flat before we reached stair 14. Then put on a hat to be sure.
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